The brief
Rapierstar is one of the UK’s biggest designers and suppliers of fittings and fixtures (screws to me and you!) Yet awareness was significantly lagging behind reality. Its story had never been told. So, naturally, we took it upon ourselves to tell it!
The solution
The solution was based upon the insight, and the reality, that, without Rapierstar’s product range, Britain’s uniquely innovative and dynamic contemporary urban landscape would not exist. This insight provided the opportunity for a uniquely compelling brand idea.
The execution
To bring the insight to life, we created stunning imagery featuring Britain’s iconic architecture and urban vistas constructed entirely of the brand’s fixtures and fittings, in a major departure that would differentiate the brand from its competitors all underpinned by Rapierstar’s unique R & D expertise and levels of customer service, encapsulated in the strap-line: ‘Rapierstar gives you the edge’.